“Essex Happenings…11.4.11
Final Thoughts on ENHC Annual Meeting
Over the last couple of postings, I have provided some complete information on the details of the recent ENHC Annual Meeting. In this report I would like to provide what turned out to be the “take away” thought that I took from the meeting, and that was…..Partnership
• All who attended the meeting were introduced to the recently appointed new Superintendent of the Salem and Saugus park units in the National Park Service’s presence in Essex County. Michael Quijano-West who has served in many posts in the system, last served at the Springfield Armory in Western Massachusetts. His presentation to the meeting focused on the importance of Heritage Areas to the National Park Service and spoke of his desire to build an even deeper relationship with Essex Heritage and to take advantage of the partnerships already in place in this region. All in attendance were also provided an overview of the plans of the recently appointed Chief Ranger of Interpretation at the two county sites. Jonathan Parker provided information on the goals for the region that include more and better resident connections to parks in the second century of existence and to advance the education mission of the Park Service. He explained that those goals will be achieved by
• Working with communities to tell the stories of those communities.
• By creating deep connections with youth through education and employment opportunities
• To expand the meaning of parks to new audiences
• To connect to urban residents
• To improve access to outdoor areas.
Ranger Jonathan Parker indicated that the achievement of the stated Park Service goals will be assisted by the continuing and ever improving relationship with Essex Heritage.
In general the messages conveyed at the meeting were inspirational and most encouraging for all in the region Essex Heritage and the National Park Service serve in the Essex National Heritage Area.
I almost never send along the material that I receive from friends over the Internet, but as we approach Veterans Day, the following statement received from Dennis and Marie Norris seemed most appropriate to send along to any other military veterans that might read this presentation. Happy Veterans Day
You can leave the military, but it never really leaves you.
This article sums it up quite well. It was presented by Ken Burger, The Charleston Post and Courier on Thursday, March 4, 2010
Occasionally, I venture back to NSA, Meridian, where I'm greeted by an imposing security guard who looks carefully at my identification card, hands it back and says, "Have a good day, Chief".
Every time I go back to any Navy Base it feels good to be called by my previous rank, but odd to be in civilian clothes, walking among the servicemen and servicewomen going about their duties as I once did, many years ago.
The military is a comfort zone for anyone who has ever worn the uniform. It's a place where you know the rules and know they are enforced -- a place where everybody is busy, but not too busy to take care of business.
Because there exists behind the gates of every military facility an institutional understanding of respect, order, uniformity, accountability and dedication that becomes part of your marrow and never, ever leaves you.
Personally, I miss the fact that you always knew where you stood in the military, and who you were dealing with.
That's because you could read somebody's uniform from 20 feet away and know the score.
Service personnel wear their careers on their sleeves, so to speak. When you approach each other, you can read their name tag, examine their rank and, if they are in dress uniform, read their ribbons and know where they've served.
I miss all those little things you take for granted when you're in the ranks, like breaking starch on a set of fatigues fresh from the laundry and standing in a perfectly straight line military formation that looks like a mirror as it stretches to the endless horizon.
I miss the sight of troops marching in the early morning mist, the sound of boot heels thumping in unison on the tarmac, the bark of drill instructors and the sing-song answers from the squads as they pass by in review.
To romanticize military service is to be far removed from its reality, because it's very serious business -- especially in times of war.
But I miss the salutes I'd throw at officers and the crisp returns as we crisscrossed with a "by your leave sir".
I miss the smell of jet fuel hanging heavily on the night air and the sound of engines roaring down runways and disappearing into the clouds. The same while on carrier duty.
I even miss the hurry-up-and-wait mentality that enlisted men gripe about constantly, a masterful invention that bonded people more than they'll ever know or admit.
I miss people taking off their hats when they enter a building, speaking directly and clearly to others and never showing disrespect for rank, race, religion or gender.
Mostly, I miss being a small cog in a machine so complex it constantly circumnavigates the Earth and so simple it feeds everyone on time, three times a day, on the ground, in the air or at sea.
Youth Center in Andover Set
In the last couple of weeks, I have been reporting on a unique Youth Center proposed public-private partnership that residents of Andover have been attempting to form. Pledges from private sources have been gathered to build a Youth Center on public land and all that was left to put in place was the generation of enough signatures on a petition to call for special Town Meeting to accept the concept. The needed signatures have now been gathered and approved and the town has agreed to schedule the special Town Meeting on 12.5.11. If the vote is successful on that date the group of residents who have pledged $2 million in donations will seek a matching taxpayer funded commitment and a project with broad based support will then be built., and a new approach to public financing established.
Salem Winter Farmers Market to Start on 11.10.11
The organizers of the Salem Winter Farmers Market have announced that the program will open for the season on Dec 10, 2011 at the Artists Row facility behind the old Town Hall. The program will be offered each Thursday from 2 until 6 until 12.22.12 with the exception of Thanksgiving day. That week the market will be offered on Tuesday. Some of the vendors who are regulars during the summer season will also participate in these market sessions, along with a few new interesting participants including some arts and crafts vendors. Those ventures may provide some opportunities to purchase holiday gifts.
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