Sunday, July 19, 2009

Change in Titla

Yesterday, I sent the first post of this blog, but this morning I have decided to change the name of the blog.  Each month I prepare a column for the Community Newspapers in Essex County and then the column is added to the monthly electronic newsletter of the Commission.  That column is called Essentially Essex, and I have now renamed the blog I am preparing to the same name.
All of us that are connected to the Essex Heritage and the National Park Service are very disappointed that the Friendship will not be able to make its planned sail to Newburyport.  A great deal of local planning went into this trip, and there were many organizations and the City itself who made financial commitments to help underwrite the cost of the visit.  To all of these organizations we say thank you for the intended support, and hope that the trip can be rescheduled at another time.  The ship is currently undergoing repair at a shipyard in Maine.  The repairs are much more extensive then originally anticipated, and as I have always heard, a wooden ship is a hole in the ocean into which you pour money.  This is the case here, and much work will be required before the Friendship can once again sail and represent this region.
Early this month, even though the Danvers Family Festival is over, my wife and  attended a concert at the Rotary Pavilion on the lawn of the Danvers Library.  It was a pleasant evening and the Town's Recreation department has many more concerts planned.  I am certain that all over the county there are concerts on town greens and at church halls, that will make the enjoyment of the summer season that much more positive  Look for these events and spend a pleasant evening with others from your community.  
I have had a long time connection with St John's Preparatory School since the 1950's when I was a student there.  I have served in many volunteer capacities in recent years and continue to serve even now.  I am proud of that association, and value the friends that I have made and maintained these last years.  Earlier this week, I had the good fortune to play a round of golf with two other Prep Alumni on a course in Yarmouth on Cape Cod.  John Doyle, who runs an insurance firm in Danvers and his wife Noreen  joined me and the former Fire Chief of Yarmouth, MA David Aiken for a most pleasant day,  David if now a deacon at a local church and also serves as chaplin for numerous organization in the mid cape area. We were joined by John's wife Noreen and while we set no course records we had a great day.  John and David will celebrate the 50th anniversary of  their graduation from the Prep next year and we spent much of the day speaking about common friends and the event they will be celebrating next June.
While we are speaking about private catholic schools in Essex County, I want to offer a few positive thoughts about Bishop Fenwick High School in Peabody.  In June 2009, I finished a five year term as a Trustee on the Board of the school.  The school is an excellent one and the Administration, the Board and the staff of dedicated teachers are doing everything it can to maintain the excellent academic and athletic reputation it enjoys.  The school offers a comprehensive co-educational educational experience and the value parents and students enjoy consistently exceed expectations.  As I conclude my association with Bishop Fenwick High School, I wish them well in the future, and expect to see the leadership of the school continue to excel in the future.
Tom Leonard

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